Protect Your Card

To ensure we can continue to reach you whenever potential fraud is detected, please keep us informed of your correct phone number, email and address at all times.

To ensure your travel is enjoyable, be sure to notify the bank if you intend to leave the state or country for an extended period of time.

Protect Yourself

The best way to protect yourself is to be diligent in monitoring transaction activity on your account and contact us immediately if you identify any fraudulent transactions. Here are a few more tips on protecting yourself from fraud.

Unless absolutely required for a legitimate business purpose, avoid giving out your:

  • Address and ZIP code
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security number
  • Card or account number
  • Card expiration date 

Your PIN is private; never give it out.

In stores and at ATMs, always cover your card and PIN, and watch for:

  • Cell phone cameras, mirrors, or other tools used to view cards and PINs
  • People watching your transactions
  • Cashiers taking your card out of sight; take it to the register yourself
  • Any unusual activity at ATMs; if you feel uncomfortable, go to another ATM

Online, you should never respond to unsolicited emails that:

  • Ask you to verify your card or account number; such emails are not sent by legitimate businesses
  • Link to websites; such sites can look legitimate but may collect data or put spyware on your computer

As always, we strongly encourage you to protect yourself further by following these best practices:

  • Closely monitor your account activity, either online or by promptly reviewing your monthly statements, to ensure all transaction activity matches your records.  If you observe any discrepancies, notify us immediately either online at or by calling us at 815.434.0044.
  • Review your credit reports for accuracy on an annual basis.  You may obtain a free annual copy of your credit report by contacting any of the three credit reporting agencies: